Ditalix is a constructor of live wallpapers with cool effects and themes.
* Ditalix has been updated to version 2.X (Ditalix B) - you can download the original here: https://goo.gl/uWE37r
Ditalix B is the next generation of our endlessly customizable live wallpaper app. The new engine is faster and easy on your battery. It comes with access to thousands of shapes and patterns and the ability to share your themes with other users. Create beautiful abstract wallpapers like never before!
• Combine backgrounds, shapes and interactive animations
• Browse or search a huge database of patterns and shapes
• Publish your themes and vote on other peoples uploads
Ditalix B uses Wallpaper Abyss and COLOURlovers APIs, giving you access to thousands of high quality backgrounds, shapes and patterns.
Come share the joy at our Google+ community! Post screenshots, suggest backgrounds get the latest updates:
Ditalix B has a beta version, found here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fahrbot.apps.ditalix.b
This app uses Google accounts to authenticate users who want to upload their themes. All content is moderated, so be patient if you don't see your theme immediately. Also please read the license and about carefully. Only themes we judge to be for "everyone" according to Google policy will be published.
• Shapes, animations, settings and glow effects to suit every taste
• Use your own images to create amazing background palettes
• Randomize settings to quickly create interesting themes
• Sit there gawking at the screen because its just so cool
This app is AD SUPPORTED.
These are early releases so if problems arise, please let us know - we will fix any issues as soon as possible. You can write to support@fahrbot.co.uk or through our website at http://fahrbot.co.uk/feedback any time.
Ditalix é um construtor de papéis de parede ao vivo com efeitos interessantes e temas.
* Ditalix foi atualizado para a versão 2.x (Ditalix B) - você pode baixar o original aqui: https://goo.gl/uWE37r
Ditalix B é a próxima geração do nosso infinitamente personalizável aplicativo papel de parede ao vivo. O novo motor é mais rápido e fácil em sua bateria. Ele vem com acesso a milhares de formas e padrões e a capacidade de compartilhar seus temas com outros usuários. Criar papéis de parede bonitos abstratas como nunca antes!
• Combine fundos, formas e animações interativas
• Procure ou pesquise um enorme banco de dados de padrões e formas
• Publique seus temas e votar outros povos uploads
Web APIs
Ditalix B usa APIs Wallpaper Abyss e COLOURlovers, dando-lhe acesso a milhares de fundos de alta qualidade, formas e padrões.
Venha partilhar a alegria em nossa comunidade Google+! screenshots Post, sugerem fundos obter as últimas atualizações:
Ditalix B tem uma versão beta, encontrado aqui: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fahrbot.apps.ditalix.b
Este aplicativo usa contas do Google para autenticar os usuários que querem fazer upload de seus temas. Todo o conteúdo é moderado, então seja paciente se você não ver o seu tema imediatamente. Também por favor leia a licença e sobre o cuidado. Somente temas que julgamos ser para "todos" de acordo com a política do Google será publicado.
• Formas, animações, cenários e efeitos de brilho para todos os gostos
• Use suas próprias imagens para criar incríveis paletas de fundo
• Randomize configurações para criar rapidamente temas interessantes
• Sente-se ali de boca aberta na tela, porque a sua tão legal
Este aplicativo é apoiado anúncio.
Estes são os primeiros lançamentos até se surgirem problemas, por favor deixe-nos saber - vamos corrigir quaisquer problemas o mais rápido possível. Você pode escrever para support@fahrbot.co.uk ou através de nosso website em http://fahrbot.co.uk/feedback qualquer momento.
Ditalix is a constructor of live wallpapers with cool effects and themes.
* Ditalix has been updated to version 2.X (Ditalix B) - you can download the original here: https://goo.gl/uWE37r
Ditalix B is the next generation of our endlessly customizable live wallpaper app. The new engine is faster and easy on your battery. It comes with access to thousands of shapes and patterns and the ability to share your themes with other users. Create beautiful abstract wallpapers like never before!
• Combine backgrounds, shapes and interactive animations
• Browse or search a huge database of patterns and shapes
• Publish your themes and vote on other peoples uploads
Ditalix B uses Wallpaper Abyss and COLOURlovers APIs, giving you access to thousands of high quality backgrounds, shapes and patterns.
Come share the joy at our Google+ community! Post screenshots, suggest backgrounds get the latest updates:
Ditalix B has a beta version, found here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fahrbot.apps.ditalix.b
This app uses Google accounts to authenticate users who want to upload their themes. All content is moderated, so be patient if you don't see your theme immediately. Also please read the license and about carefully. Only themes we judge to be for "everyone" according to Google policy will be published.
• Shapes, animations, settings and glow effects to suit every taste
• Use your own images to create amazing background palettes
• Randomize settings to quickly create interesting themes
• Sit there gawking at the screen because its just so cool
This app is AD SUPPORTED.
These are early releases so if problems arise, please let us know - we will fix any issues as soon as possible. You can write to support@fahrbot.co.uk or through our website at http://fahrbot.co.uk/feedback any time.